Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Hallucinating With Storybook Friends

I recently experienced a knee injury so painful that I sobbed until tears and snot covered my face, and I ignored my mother’s admonishment to wear fancy underwear before going to the hospital. After x-rays confirmed damaged ligaments, a doctor [...]

Why I Didn’t Turn To Drugs And Alcohol To Take Away My Fears

I struggled with fear, anxiety, and stress for over 20 years. There were many times I felt like giving up because my fears and anxieties were stronger than what I could handle. It was difficult getting through a normal day and there were times [...]

An Important Lesson I Learned About Peer Pressure

It was difficult for me to deal with my fears and anxieties and the peer pressure from my friends. Dealing with fear and anxiety on a regular basis was very difficult let alone trying to live up to my expectations from people I knew. I realized [...]

It’s Only Pot! What’s The Big Deal?

Should we be in favor of a “greener world?” This has been the Battle Cry of “Stoners,” “Burn-Outs,” “Pot Heads” and all those who partake in the smoking of marijuana for ages!  “It’s natural man!  How bad can it [...]