Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

You Really Ought To Write A Book

Is “Write a Book” on your bucket list? When I began helping people make their book dreams a reality, I quickly learned something very important. There are no ordinary people. Every single person I have met is extraordinary in some [...]

Paradise Can Be Anywhere

My husband and I took a fabulous trip to the island of Kauai, Hawaii for our 25th wedding anniversary. It was the most beautiful and exotic place I had ever seen. I have wanted to go back ever since. But I don’t just want to duplicate that [...]

This Could Be The Last Resolution You Ever Make

Are you a resolution maker? I’ve been making resolutions all my life. Here’s a new one. Resolved: I am not going to make any more resolutions. I caught myself doing it again yesterday. When I think of a good practice I would like [...]

Thoughts On A Milestone Birthday

Don’t panic; you haven’t missed my birthday. It’s still two months away so there is plenty of time to shop. But it’s a milestone number (if anyone asks, I’m 50) and my husband is retiring in a couple of weeks so I am feeling reflective. I’m [...]

Five Quick Tips For Cheering Up Your Workspace

You probably spend more time in your workspace than in any other one single place, unless you get that elusive eight hours of sleep every night. We all react to our surroundings to some extent. So any time and energy you put into enhancing your [...]

I’ll Be Your BFF

“It’s the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.” – Marlene Dietrich In my journal group yesterday, Emily read the character sketch she had written about her childhood best friend, Katy. The best part about journal group [...]