Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

When You Retire: Reinventing Yourself at Midlife

With a surprising number of boomers heading towards retirement, most are not ready to spend their days hitting the golf balls or playing bridge. Instead they are looking to the future with enthusiasm and gusto. Why? Because they know that now [...]

Domestic Violence and Baby Boomers

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Which means that the media will be featuring many stories to bring awareness of and support for this devastating and insidious problem. You may read about the estranged husband murdering [...]

Be Kind to Yourself

You’ve heard the expression, “You are your own worst enemy.” Well, this statement is unfortunately very true. You are probably more accepting and forgiving of others than you are of yourself. That’s because you sabotage yourself with [...]

A Boomer’s Secret to Success

There is more to life than planning for retirement. It’s really about making good choices and living life to the fullest. It’s about making a promise to yourself to discover the joyous secrets that will change the rest of your life. [...]

Releasing A Child Into The World

One of the hardest parts about being a parent is letting go. We don’t pay too much attention when our children are babies that one day we will have to release them into the world to start their lives on their own. The only thing we really [...]

Forget What You Have Lost

Sometimes, our lives can change swiftly. Aside from the death of a loved one, change may actually be a good thing. If you are moving out of a long-term relationship, such as divorce, changing jobs/careers or retiring, dealing with a midlife [...]

A Simple Thank You Will Do

Just because you’re an adult, mature and wise, it doesn’t mean you should take this wonderful life for granted. When something great happens to you, how do you show your appreciation? Do you just ignore it or do you make an effort to be [...]

You Can Make a Difference at Midlife

I am always impressed with people who risk their own lives to save another, who will help you all hours of the night, who open their wallets to help those less fortunate. I wish I was more like that. I try to be. I’m not selfish. I’ve given [...]

Coping With Job Loss

You’ve spent many years building your career and establishing a place in the corporate world and feel secure about your future and the future of your family. But what happens when it ends abruptly behind the euphemism of downsizing, reorganization, [...]
Dealing with Midlife Guilt and Shame

Dealing with Midlife Guilt and Shame

John Bradshaw, the award winning author of “Healing the Shame that Binds You ” says that “shame is the all pervasive sense that [you] are flawed and defective as a human being.” Guilt, on the other hand, means you have [...]

Making Midlife Magnificent

Midlife doesn’t have to be a depressing time of your life even though your challenges are getting tough. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming or difficult. It can be something good and enjoyable. And it can be exciting, invigorating [...]

Caught In The Middle, Again!

Are you ever caught in the middle of family conflict, trying to keep the peace between family members who just don’t get along? Are you the mediator, who is always put under a lot of stress, anxiety, heartache and even pain when you hear [...]

Baby Boomers And The Dating Scene

Relationships should be life enhancing and ever lasting. That’s why if you are recently divorced, widowed or between relationships and are ready to start dating again, you should know what to anticipate and how to avoid the common relationship [...]

Do You Support Or Do You Meddle?

Is there a difference between being a support to your children and being too supportive? Should we as parents be worried? I am the mom of two wonderful adult children. Both are college educated and on their own. My married son has a great job [...]

Life Is Full Of Bumps In The Road

In the face of adversity and uncertainty, it is so important to remain “mindful” of how much control you have over your life. It’s all about perception. What you perceive to be bad, may not be as bad as you think. One of my [...]

Self-Sabotage Is Your Greatest Enemy

Business people, entrepreneurs, athletes, musicians and others are adamant about one thing: If you want to succeed in whatever you do, you have to stay focused. This means that you must keep the task and goals in sight and your thoughts steadfast [...]

Are You A Born Optimist?

Even though sustained negativity is toxic and bad for your health, many people are still more intrinsically pessimistic than optimistic. Is this because they can’t help themselves? Are they born with a propensity towards one view over [...]

A Few Tips to Avoid Nagging

“Clean your bedroom!” “Pick up the wet towel after your shower!” “Shut the light when you leave the room!” These are a few of the things I would scream –  like a broken record – to get my family [...]

The Epiphany Of An Aha! Moment

How often do you have an epiphany? In psychology, the term is often used when a client experiences a deep release of emotions associated with an awareness of repressed feelings.  This breakthrough often frees the individual to examine underlying [...]

Be As Proud As A Peacock

When my son earned his PhD from The University of Florida in Biomedical Engineering, you can imagine how proud I was. But it was his pride in having accomplished this amazing goal that made it so wonderful and special. After all, knowing you [...]

Looking Forward With Anticipation

Where did the time go? It seems just yesterday my son was playing in little league and my daughter was taking ballet lessons.  I used to be the young woman with little kids and now I’m Ma’am or getting into the movies on a senior [...]

Are You Going Through A Midlife Crisis?

As you transition through life, you are making many changes and going through many different stages. With a life expectancy of 78 (5 years longer for women), when you turn about 40, you are entering what is known as middle age. Everyone goes [...]

Do You Remember When?

How many times have you had this conversation? “Do you remember when candy was one penny, school books were carried in a strap, and Good Humor trucks would drive down your street? So many memories.  You have seen the world through the [...]

Aging With Grace: Skip Over Your Stumbling Blocks

It’s strange how, when you least expect it, your life is redirected because of a chance meeting. As a mental health professional, I do many groups, seminars, workshops and presentations that put me in touch with many people. This particular [...]

Create Your Fountain Of Youth

Although most people think longevity is solely related to genes, it really depends on genes, attitude and lifestyle. Centenarians attribute their long lives to eating well, being optimistic and keeping busy. The Census Bureau estimates that [...]

It’s Time To Be A Little Selfish

How many sacrifices have you made over the years for your family, so your children could have a comfortable, happy life? I’m sure you’ve made many.  The long hours at work, the shortened vacations so kids go to camp and the expensive [...]

After The Kids Leave, What Next?

Remember your senior year of high school and the prospect of going off to college in the fall? Remember how exciting and special it felt to be leaving home and embarking on a new and amazing adventure? You’re at that stage of your life [...]

How Can I Be 50, When I Still Feel 25?

Where did the years go? Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was considered the youngster in the crowd?  Somehow the years kept creeping along and now I have a 30-year-old daughter who looks at me as if I’m an old fogey. I tell her that [...]

Ageless Boomers

If your goal is to live longer, to live your best life and to contribute to society in a positive way, you are not alone. Most people would like to achieve this level of satisfaction and fulfillment and are realizing that there are many opportunities [...]

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

Are you still the fairest of them all? When you look in the mirror, do you see someone you don’t recognize or someone much older than you feel?  Baby boomers want to remain vigorous and healthy, yet many are sinking into a hole of pain and [...]

Podcast: Midlife Dating: 5 Keys To Dating Success

Listen Here: Amy Sherman is a Therapist, Relationship Coach and the founder of the Baby Boomers’ Network. She is the co-author of 99 Things Women Wish They Knew Before Dating After 40, 50 and Yes, 60! and has worked with individuals [...]

Empty Nest All Over Again

Some boomers are past the empty nest syndrome by many years, yet others may be in the midst of it right now. Whichever you can relate to, there are probably moments when nostalgia and sadness creep in, leaving you feeling at a loss. This happened [...]

A New Perspective On Courage

Wayne Dyer says, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Such good advice to follow, since you know that challenges will come your way as you age and your perspective is a major factor in how [...]

What’s Age Got To Do With it?

Has anyone ever said to you, “Boy, you look great. You’re how old?” That must make you feel really good, since nobody wants to look his/her real age.  But what if you’ve heard the opposite.  “I’m so sorry; [...]