Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

How Can We Get The Wisdom To Move Beyond Worry?

Our thoughts might look like a string of what – ifs. What if this or that goes wrong?  Sometimes we think if we worry enough we can prevent a catastrophe event.  While worry may be a hint that there is something you need to take care [...]

5 Tips For Supporting A Loved One Through Illness

I was listening to a conversation at work where a coworker mentioned that he was having a hard time taking care of his mother who had the beginning stages of dementia. The person was very upset and did not know what to do. Here are 5 suggestions [...]

Do Not Be Afraid To Fail

Some people have a difficult time in dealing with rejection. The key is to know how know how to get past the rejection. Here are some suggestions I use in my own life to manage the fear of rejection. Eventually in life, you will experience some [...]

Podcast: Living Simple, Free And Happy

Listen Here: Are you feeling overwhelmed by your home, your schedule or your finances? I’d like you to meet Cristin Frank, author of Living Simple, Free and Happy and founder of the lifestyle blog, Eve of Reduction. Living Simple, [...]

Look At The Bright Side Of Life – Even If You Don’t Want To!

Are you a positive person or one who prefers doom and gloom in life? There are some people who always look at the bright side, no matter what is going on. Others seem to dwell on all the things that could and may go wrong. Yes, things can go [...]

Put Worry to Work: 3 Steps To Be Worry Free

Something is not right, so you start to worry. You have heard rumors of downsizing at your job. Worry sets in. A relationship folds, you worry that you will not find another partner. The doctor calls and asks you to stop by her office, worry [...]