Posts Tagged "mentoring"
I send daily life and career success quotes to subscribers and members of my career mentor site.
If you’re not receiving them, just go to www.BudBilanich.com and enter your name and email in the box on the top right side of the site. Recently, [...]
One of my favorite things are mentors.
I speak from both my heart and experience. I would not be where I am today without the input of extraordinary people who invested time and wisdom into my life. Following in their footsteps I have mentored [...]
Freshmen in adulthood
I started my blog, “Champagne for Ducklings”, the month after I graduated college. I had just moved into a summer sublet in New York City and started an absolutely wonderful yet unpaid internship. Like most [...]
Avoid the muck
Women spend too many years struggling and stressing through all the crap of daily life before they finally realize the aching truth: Damn, I should have taken the path around the bog! That’s the road that avoids the muck and [...]