Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Forget Resolutions, Try Mantras.

How many times have you made New Year’s resolutions only to abandon them shortly after the year begins? You make a promise to yourself about losing weight, eating healthier, or getting more exercise and then what happens? Life. You get busy, [...]

Don’t Let Your Limitations Limit You

It’s easy to say, “I don’t know how,” “I never learned how to do that,” or “I’m not good with technology.” These kinds of statements pay homage to your limitations. They showcase your lack of knowledge. Okay, so you don’t [...]

A Sheet Of Paper

It’s difficult to comprehend the power of a sheet of paper. It could transform your life. It could bind you. Liberate you. Excite you. Disappoint you. Thrill you. Shame you. Reward you. Reprimand you. When you think about it, every important [...]

How Committed Are You?

Every career path is challenging. Without question, those who succeed are fully vested. They’re willing to do whatever it takes to reach their goals. They just won’t accept failure. They press on in the face of hardship. They ignore naysayers. [...]

3 Types of Relationships

Did you ever notice how some couples or co-workers seem to be in sync? There’s very little friction. There are few disagreements? And there’s almost no tension? Yet, other relationships are laden with drama? Well, I was thinking about [...]

Never Too Old

Some people get to a certain age and begin to write off the future. They start thinking, “I’m too old to reach my goals.” “If I were going to succeed, it would have happened already.” “Time’s up.” Don’t throw in the towel too [...]

Life’s Not a Competition

As unbelievable as it may sound, you can stop competing with everyone else right now. Life’s not a competition with others. It’s a competition with yourself. The only one you really have to compete with is you. Okay, you’ll say, “That’s [...]

3 Steps to Joy

I heard this and could not get it out of my mind. I don’t know who said it, but I would love to share it. There are three steps to finding your inner peace. They seem so basic; they may not strike you as critical. But they are. So, here they [...]

The Greatest Gift of All

A small gesture of kindness may be more important than you realize. You may think it’s not a big deal. What’s a little kindness? It may not seem like much to you, but to the recipient it could change that person’s day. It doesn’t have [...]

Consider The Source

Criticism. Most people hate it. But, astute people thrive on it. How else would they grow? The best thing you can do when people criticize something you’ve done or said is consider the source. Are they an objective reviewer? Are they being [...]

There Are Boy Ladybugs?

Most dogs don’t like to wear anything on their heads. Believe it or not, they probably don’t like wearing costumes either. But, no one ever asked them. Pet parents (yes, parents, not owners) just dress them up and prance them around, especially [...]

When I Hear “No,” I Hear “Negotiation”

Overcoming objections Most people are put off by the word “no.” Not me. When I hear “no,” I hear “negotiation.” So I just keep talking, with the assumption that they’ll eventually say “yes.” It doesn’t even occur to me that [...]

The Power of a Minute

Most people think a minute isn’t enough time to get your point across. My thinking is if you can’t explain it in a minute, it’s not clear to you. Reporters, CEOs and fast-paced executives don’t have time for long-winded explanations. Look [...]

Don’t Give Up So Fast

Many of us let yesterday dictate tomorrow. Just because you had a lousy boss, cheating lover or backstabbing coworker doesn’t mean the next person will do the same. Yes, you’re now cautious, but you shouldn’t be crippled. Instead, you [...]