Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Podcast: College Poor No More

Listen Here: Financial Planner, Michelle Perry Higgins, is the Principal of California Financial Advisors in San Ramon. Since 1996 she has built a successful practice advising executive professionals into retirement. Her passion for finance [...]

Podcast: Graduate College Debt Free!

Listen Here: College Scholarship Specialist, Shanice Miller, is the author of How to Graduate College Debt Free With Money in the Bank.  She avoided the student loan trap to the tune of over $200,000 in college costs, shares how she graduated [...]

Podcast: Credit Card Debt Busters!

Listen Here: Howard Dvorkin is a CPA and the founder of Consolidated Credit, Howard knows a thing or two about why people get into debt trouble as well as the secrets to getting out of debt and staying that way. Howard has been featured in [...]

Managing The Anxieties & Stresses Of Dealing With Your Finances

There are many people who get stressed out in managing their money and their finances. In some months, your savings are doing good and the next month you may be losing money. I sometimes find it difficult to deal with managing my money and my [...]

A Solution to the After-Xmas Spending Blues!

Facing Fiscal Reality OK, I roll back my timeline to when I turned 21 and attended my first legal-to-drink New Year’s Eve party. Actually I don’t really remember the party but I do remember waking up the next day and swearing to never [...]