Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Dressing For Success: First Step is to Love Yourself

She walks in like she holds the world in her hands. She is seen with all the right people, has more money than God, has the perfect children, and a DQ husband. The media loves her, we love her. Then one day we are dumbfounded to hear she committed [...]


On the internet recently, the Dalai Lama is quoted as saying “The true hero is one who conquers his own anger and hatred.”  There it is in a nutshell! Anger is a subject I know something about, and it’s been a lifelong challenge to deal [...]

The Journey Back: I Choose Me

My friend Fred sat down in the booth at Woody’s Pizza in downtown Golden, Colorado last fall. He represented sartorial splendor in that he wore a suit and tie with Italian shoes. I slid into the booth opposite him. “Good evening gentlemen,” [...]