Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Podcast: Finding Awareness In Your Twenties

Listen Here: Kat Hurley is an author and transformational coach who conducts seminars nationwide. She just released her new book I Think I’ll Make It and is on a steadfast mission to bring mindfulness to the masses, especially youth. Finding [...]

How To Meditate Part III: Mindfulness Of Feelings

In a previous post, I explored the first foundation of mindfulness, mindfulness of the body. The second foundation of mindfulness is mindfulness of feelings. Just as many of us learned as children to disconnect from our body, we also learned [...]


Mindfulness seems to be the buzzword of the decade, despite having been around for centuries. Mindfulness is a major component of the Buddhist tradition, and is often associated with meditation.  Research done during the last few decades has [...]

Discover The Benefits Of Mindfulness

Do you sometimes find yourself thinking more about past and/or future things than what you’re doing in the present? If so, you might be missing much of the beauty the life has to offer. Perhaps, you’re not performing daily tasks to the best [...]

How to Meditate Part II: Mindfulness of the Body

The body is our greatest source of internal wisdom. The body provides our most immediate experience of the present moment. What is required on our part is a willingness to pay attention and listen. Unfortunately, many of us have learned—through [...]

How to Meditate: Part I—Awareness of Breath Meditation

In my last post, 5 Things You Can Do to Live a Mindful Life, I explored ways that we can live mindfully. The first of those 5 things is to cultivate a formal mindfulness meditation practice, because the formal practice serves as a training ground [...]

5 Things You Can Do to Live a Mindful Life

Mindfulness—lately it’s become a hot topic of conversation in book clubs and popular magazines. Last weekend someone even brought it up in conversation at a party. If you haven’t attended a mindfulness class and you’re wondering what [...]

Heart Disease Is All Around Us

Michael Clark Duncan Grooming Michael Clark Duncan stands out among many memories from back in the day when I was a Hollywood makeup artist. I remember the size of his head, I had never used that much makeup to cover someone’s dome before. His [...]