Posts Tagged "Internet Security"
Most people give no thought whatsoever to posting pictures of their children online.
They are proud of their kids, they love them…so why not show the world how wonderful they are so others can enjoy each milestone too? Plus, Grandma and Auntie [...]
When it comes to making us fall for their scams, cybercriminals have a number of tricks up their sleeves.
One of these tricks is to scare us into thinking that our computers or smartphones have become infected with malware to get us to purchase [...]
Digital device theft is a big problem.
I’ve seen numerous stories about iPhones being stolen right from a person’s hand while the user was talking on it. Others have reported sitting in a coffee shop while having a conversation and having [...]
WiFi connects us everywhere, such as in parks, subways, airplanes, coffee shops and public WiFi hotspots.
The WiFi Alliance says there are more than a million hotspots worldwide, and a report by market research company Informa Telecoms and Media [...]
The uber rich have many reasons to invest in uber security.
I met a woman who won a $300 million lottery, and she had some unfortunate stories about how low people go to get at and to moneyed individuals. So to protect life and limb, the uber [...]
We are all too aware of the National Security Agency breaking encryption.
The NSA has frequently been known to be implanting back doors on various servers, networks and within numerous social sites, email providers, mobile networks, mobile [...]
With over one billion people connected to Facebook, we have to assume that many of them are criminals. (Criminals are people with friends too!)
But the criminals we need to be concerned about are the ones who create all kinds of scams designed [...]
You’ve been here before: You’re at work, you get a notification via a popup, then an email, then a text reminding you of an appointment on your calendar.
For most busy professionals, this is pretty normal because you know you need multiple [...]
People talk—A LOT. They can’t stop talking. Talking, getting something off your mind and out there feels good.
Talking takes the pressure off one’s mind; our mouths are like relief valves for our heads. The problem has always been that [...]
Ever lose a mobile device? Have one stolen?
Know someone who has? Device loss and theft is a common issue when it comes to identity theft and results in data breaches. Some studies have shown as many as 2.5 million laptops are stolen annually, [...]