Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Podcast: Small Steps Lead To BIG Success

Listen Here: Joshua Coburn is a Youth Motivational Speaker, Author, & “Corporate Oddity” who has spent his life & career redefining stereotypes, living his passions, and assisting others to Dream Big, Believe Big, & Succeed [...]

Your Best Mantra For 2014

If you were to ask me what one thing the vast majority of the thousands of clients I’ve seen in my clinical psychology practice over the last 38 years have had in common, the answer might shock you. Almost without exception, what brings people [...]

Be As Proud As A Peacock

When my son earned his PhD from The University of Florida in Biomedical Engineering, you can imagine how proud I was. But it was his pride in having accomplished this amazing goal that made it so wonderful and special. After all, knowing you [...]

Podcast: What Is Personal Power & How Can You Find It?

Listen Here: Lone Morch is an author, fine art photographer, speaker and creative catalyst, Lone Morch is a freedom activist and has for many years been an advocate for women’s voice, visibility and (self) value. She is the Award-winning [...]

Podcast: Make It Happen In 10 Minutes A Day!

Listen Here: Lorne Holden is an award winning artist and author of the Bestselling book MAKE IT HAPPEN in Ten Minutes a Day: The Simple, lifesaving Method for Getting Things Done In this podcast Lorne discusses her “Ten Minute a Day Methodology” [...]

3 Steps Toward Making Your Dream A Reality

Do you have many dreams you’d like to make come true? If there’s so much you want to do but in reality, so little time to do it, the feeling of overwhelm itself can actually hold you back from accomplishing any of your major goals. If this [...]

What I Do Today Is Important

What are you doing with your life today? Such a loaded question… and courtesy of my reading Roy Williams’ “Monday Morning Memo”, where he aims that question at the reader. Well, I’m writing this and that’s something important [...]