Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Scottie Jones

Scottie Jones is a sheep farmer at Leaping Lamb Farm in Oregon; a farm stay host; and, the founder of Farm Stay U.S. - a national travel site for farm and ranch vacations. Building on the success of her own farm stay, she has made it her mission, via Farm Stay U.S., to raise awareness of the 900+ working farms and ranches in the U.S. offering overnight accommodations. For the farms, it's about sustainability. For travelers, it's about experiencing farm life at the source, not just at the farmer’s market. Her feeling: it’s all about real food, real farmers, and living the lifestyle that built this nation - if only for a weekend. To learn more about Scottie Jones and get additional information about U.S. farm stays or to find a farm stay near you, go to FarmStayUS.com..

Posts by Scottie Jones:

  • Podcast: The American Farm Stay

  • December 2nd, 2013
    Listen Here: Scottie Jones is a sheep farmer who operates a successful farm stay at Leaping Lamb Farm in Oregon. With a background in marketing and business development, Scottie saw an opportunity to translate the [...]