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Scottie Jones is a sheep farmer who operates a successful farm stay at Leaping Lamb Farm in Oregon.
With a background in marketing and business development, Scottie saw an opportunity to translate the success of her own farm stay into a national movement that would benefit both farmers and travelers.
Farm Stay U.S. launched in 2010 with a goal of creating a new travel niche in the U.S. based around farm vacations, something that Europe has offered for decades.
The American Farm Stay
- What is a farm stay? What should I expect?
- How do I find a farm stay near me and how do I find one that fits my interests and that of my family?
- What are the biggest misconceptions about staying on a working farm or ranch?
- What do I get to do during my stay – milk a cow, help with baby animals, stomp grapes, drive cattle, eat farm fresh eggs, learn to make goat cheese…and/or something else?
- Why are you so passionate about farm stays? What makes them important to the farmer and the guest?
To learn more about Scottie Jones and get additional information about U.S. farm stays or to find a farm stay near you, go to
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This podcast is presented by Annie Jennings, of the National Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings PR and the creator of JenningsWire online magazine. JenningsWire is capturing the heart of America with its rich community of talented, insightful and relevant bloggers and podcasters!
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