Dorothy Neddermeyer, Ph.D.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized authority on bridging Science, Spirit and Human Potential with over 30 years experience as a transformation facilitator, speaker, and educator in natural health and wellness; personal/professional development.
Dr. Dorothy is an author of three books. If I’d Only Known…Sexual Abuse In Or Out Of The Family: A Guide to Prevention, Chicken Soup For The Single Parent’s Soul and 101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life.
She holds a PhD is in Philosophy and Metaphysics. She is Founder/CEO of Genesis Consultants, Inc. She is Past President, International Association for Regression Research and Therapies, she serves on the board for Arizona Holistic Chamber of Commerce; Board Advisor and Faculty Member for the World Regression Congress - Netherlands, India, Brazil, Turkey and Portugal (2014).
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Posts by Dorothy Neddermeyer, Ph.D.:
Opening Up to Authentic Relationships
September 24th, 2012
A collective consciousness Our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, words and actions are forms of energy, which has a unique Cause and Effect. Cause and Effect coupled with Balance is when all pieces of the puzzle come together. [...]