Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

The Passion, Power And Purpose Of Playtime

When was the last time you went out to play? When was the last time you flew a kite, went roller skating, rode your bike through the neighborhood, or challenged a child in your life to a board game?  When was the last time you skipped through [...]

Playful Power Of Leaping

If you can’t think of something playful to do – jump! Your impact will be felt somewhere. In one place you’ll push air out and in another vacuum it in. Amazing! Be the creative playful pump. We have a universal impact on the world, the [...]

Warning: Explosion At Risk

Once in a while you have to do something that makes no sense. At least to your logical mind. However for you creative mind this will feel like a long run, eating candy, yoga, or great sex! And if you don’t do it there will be serious consequences. It’s [...]