Posts Tagged "leah hollis Ed.D"
As we reflect on best practices for civility in the work place, many of us strive to be kind, pleasant and agreeable.
However, there is a self-advocacy component to avoiding bullying in the workplace. When someone throws a barbed comment or [...]
Ever wonder why it is tough to return to work after a five star vacation?
Think of the courtesy and service anyone receives when visiting a classy hotel. Visitors are greeted kindly “How was your flight…” or “May I help you with your [...]
Sondra was tasked to work on the vice president’s objectives.
She was leading a team of customer service representatives who needed training and who also were juggling their contact time with clientele. At the kick off meeting, everyone [...]
Summer Time- Civil Time?
Ever wonder why your kid is a bully OR how your kid is the one who is the target? Sorry to say, parents should look in the mirror. The first messages and lessons come from parents. Children look to parents to know [...]
Martin Luther King Day of Service Starts at Work
Did you know that Martin Luther King was only 26 years old when he led the Montgomery Bus Boycott? At the age of 35 he won the Noble Peace Prize and at 39, he was slain in Memphis, Tennessee. [...]
Richard had been a rising star in his company since his initial point of hire four years previous.
He had landed major clients, bonuses, and was recognized regionally and nationally for his work. Despite the recession, Richard’s life was [...]
As we reflect on a cheerful holiday season, many people will feel the angst of returning to a difficult place to work after the holidays are over.
The reprieve from a hostile or aggressive workplace can be all too short and in some cases leave [...]