Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Unsecured Wireless Video Baby Monitors Hackable

Baby monitors have evolved from simple one-way radio communications based on older radio waves to highly evolved IP based, internet-connected cameras that can be viewed on a smartphone or tablet. Back in the day, when cordless phones were 900 [...]

High-Tech vs. Low-Tech Locks

High technology doesn’t necessarily mean better, stronger or faster. It does usually mean more convenient, as the word technology is defined as “including the use of materials, tools, techniques, and sources of power to make life easier [...]

6 Tips On Securing Your Home From Those You ‘Trust’

There are going to be times in your life when you will need to simply trust people who you let into your home for various reasons. People such as: House cleaners: House cleaners get in the nooks and crannies of your home and have to be trustworthy. [...]

5 Home Security Tactics Of The Uber Rich

The uber rich have many reasons to invest in uber security. I met a woman who won a $300 million lottery, and she had some unfortunate stories about how low people go to get at and to moneyed individuals. So to protect life and limb, the uber [...]

New App Stores House Or Car Keys Online. Is It Safe?

Ever lock yourself out of your car or home? I’ve done each at least once this year; that’s about my average. After the last time I got stuck on the cold side of my front door, I decided to go with keyless locks for my home, specifically [...]

12 Biggest Home Security Mistakes

We all make mistakes; the key is to make them once or twice and learn from them. If you keep making them, bad things happen—and home security mistakes are not ones you want to repeat. Here are a dozen mistakes that you don’t want to make [...]

House Keys For The Kids…When Your Children Are Ready

Going home to an empty house. Education.com reports that according to the U.S. census, one-third of all school-age children in the United States are, for some part of the week, latchkey kids—that is, they go home to an empty house or [...]