Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

The Voluptuousness Of Living

“Everything is downhill from here, ‘cept what’s up…it’s all in your attitude.” Katie Lee, 95, Jerome, Arizona, singer, environmental activist. Long ago, before modern communications, before electric lights, before mobility—people [...]

Podcast: Courage – An INside Job!

Listen Here: Sandra Ford Walston is known as the Courage Expert, an internationally published speaker and author with over 20 years of original research on feminine courage, everyday courage and courageous leadership. Her three books include COURAGE [...]

Making Midlife Magnificent

Midlife doesn’t have to be a depressing time of your life even though your challenges are getting tough. It doesn’t have to be overwhelming or difficult. It can be something good and enjoyable. And it can be exciting, invigorating [...]

Against All Odds

My father had just been operated on to remove a cancerous tumor in his hip so he was still in the hospital recovering. He knew he had to gain weight to stay strong. When I was visiting him one of many days there, I accompanied him as he made [...]

A New Perspective On Courage

Wayne Dyer says, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Such good advice to follow, since you know that challenges will come your way as you age and your perspective is a major factor in how [...]