JenningsWire is an online feature magazine with bloggers in various categories.
Our audience is loving the lifestyle aspect of the site so we are avoiding news, opinion and anything too political (unless its generalized and more lifestyle and not hard political or opinion).
The URL for the new online magazine is
The PHOTO GALLERY serves as our Navigation Bar. If you blog with JenningsWire, you would be located under a PHOTO that is in your area of expertise. If you scroll over any PHOTO you can see the sub-categories available for that topic. Next, you can click on the PHOTO and this opens up to our blogger presentation slide show for the bloggers in that category. Then, you can click on a blogger from the slide show and you will land on the blogger’s author page that includes the bio, book info etc plus a list of posts.
Please Email Annie @ Your First Post Including:
- Keep it short. Your original post (between 400 – 600 words) along with the title of the post. Titles should reflect the deliverable of the post. The title should motivate readers to click on the post. Please do not submit lecture style posts. Instead, create blog post that personal in nature, intimate with your reader where you share your thoughts, feelings and reflections on so socially relevant issues. Post that are promotional fall outside the editorial guidelines and are unable to be posted.
- 150 word (approx) Bio – please be sure to mention your area of expertise (from what point of view are you sharing your posts – anything from Life Coach to PhD) but the reader likes to know the basis of your perspective). Please include your media experience, education, specialty, book names and your location.
- Jpeg Book Cover (s) – site will link via affiliate to Amazon and other online retailers
- Headshot – choose your most engaging, most professional headshot. Upscale feature professional works very well for our audience.
- Links to your Website, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, StumbleUpon, Pinterest and other social media
FYI: Please allow about two weeks time for you original submission to be posted as the editing team has to set up your author page, bio, links to your site to our social media, although it can be sooner. Editing will email you when your first blog is posted.
Overall Column Title (this is for the blogger presentation slide show that you see when you click on a PHOTO in the photo gallery on the home page). Please provide an 18-20 word benefit-driven to the reader column description (for the section where we present the bloggers that includes the link to your author page).
One of the themes of this blogging opportunity is to discuss what you uniquely know that can contribute to the success of others. This is a very broad area allowing you to explore different areas. Please keep this aspect in mind as you create your original blog post. Your post can be lively, fun, wise, informational – whatever you want it to be (except hard to read, boring or outdated). Most importantly your post should be engaging to the reader on a topic that encourages them to click on your post.
Once your blog is posted I will send you the URL to your blog post for you for sharing with others.
Social Media: The bloggers are forming a community that allows them to share with others. Bloggers agree to share the link to their post on their social media to encourage visitors to the blog where they can read your blog, but also discover other voices that might be of interest to them and help them in a meaningful way.
Create The TRIPLE WIN. Create something that is good for the reader, good for the overall blog, and makes you feel good too. This is a big secret of success in that, if you create a triple win, it seems like you cannot lose as we are creating something that the market wants.
Here are some tips to be a successful blogger!
- Original material – please create posts especially for the JenningsWire
- Write in Blog Post style (more intimate, conversational, person-to-person and informal – avoid the cut and dry article or presentation format)
- Have a conversational tone. Write what you would actually say to someone if you were having a heart to heart talk (rather than presentation/lecture style)
- Keep it short. Please keep your word count between 400 – 600 words. Longer posts might be returned to you for editing.
- Respond to comments on your blogs so you readers know you are listening!
- Enjoy the experience because that’s reflected in the spirit of the post
- Feel free to use the BIO section to promote yourself and your services.
- Posts are non-promotional in nature. They are content rich and benefit driven. However, you can update your BIO so it has everything in it you would like your reader to know about you and your services.
- All statistics or references must be accompanied by a link to an authority source.
- Please do not quote private individuals and all quotes must include the source of the quote and all attribution info.
JenningsWire is the place for you to showcase your socially relevant commentary in a lifestyle format.
- Contribute original “first time posted anywhere” customized blog posts and ideas that are thoughtful, engaging, enlightening, inspirational, motivational, educational and easy to read (just write in your natural voice as that is the style of a blog post).
- 400 – 600 words MAX works well for the site. Please keep your word count within this range.
- Please avoid using punctuation (no excessive caps, bold or italics) as this makes the post hard to read. Just use these sparingly if at all, and they are subject to editing. Also make sure your spacing is correct. Plus the spell check feature before you post and correct any errors.
- Have a conversational tone to your blog. Please provide a strong takeaway for the reader so they feel like your post “gets them”.
- Think success. Think feel good. Think how can I be of help? One of the major themes of JenningsWire is success so please feel free to explore how you, uniquely, can contribute to the success of your readers. JenningsWire is a feature lifestyle online magazine. We are not posting news or opinion.
- DO NOT’S: Avoid copy and paste of outdated material. Focus on what should be the HOTTEST, most fun topics to explore in today’s world that tie into your area of expertise.
- Source your stats: Always source any stats you use from the highest authority source available an include the link to the source in your post. To avoid any copyright infringement, include the attribution for any quotes or references you use for any author, experts or books. Do you quote or refer to private people as this could violate their privacy.
- JenningsWire provides the PHOTOs due to editorial guidelines, copyright issues etc. Regretfully, we cannot post personal photos and videos. We avoid linking out of the content section of your post unless the link is to the source of the stat or otherwise important to the post. Your bio section is where you would include the links to your site, books, products etc.
- The JenningsWire editing teams works quickly to post the blogs however, due to the success of JenningsWire and our expanding blogger community, we might need up to one – two weeks to post your blogs.
- Not all posts can be approved. Posts that move outside your area of expertise, away from the JenningsWire general topics or are too self-promotional will not be approved by editorial. Avoid the use of profanity. All posts subject to editing approval.
SOCIAL MEDIA SHARING: Contributors agree to share the link to their post with their community. After you are posted, editing will send you the link to your post for you to use for your outreach. Each post is subject to approval.