Kevin Moran
As the number 1 and highest paid commissioned loan officer for a major California savings bank in 1982; to featured national expert on 60 Minutes in 2009; Crashing and burning amidst the mortgage / housing crisis, vaulting into the National scene as a senior advocate; and expert in the reverse mortgage Industry. Kevin shares his lessons learned from the victories and the losses; in a humorous, self effacing and engaging manner. Kevin Moran delivers common sense coupled with uncommon passion. Kevin delivers real world wisdom; in an easy to understand and even easier to implement step by step approach, resulting in success for all willing to burn with the passion to place their clients needs above all other concerns; including walking away from the sale if it is not 100% right for their client.
Posts by Kevin Moran:
Hidden “Holiday Stealth Success” Action Plan

I discovered a shocking statistic 8 years ago at a power selling boot camp. 60-75% of my competition will stop full time active active selling in early to mid November and not be back to 100% effort again until [...]