Jackie Silver
Jackie Silver is Aging Backwards and she shares her secrets, tips and shortcuts in her books, on her website, on TV and radio, in print and in person. She is a frequent television and radio guest, and contributor to numerous websites including SheKnows.com, LovingYou.com and StyleGoesStrong.com.
She also has three columns on Reuters’ Examiner.com – National Anti-Aging Beauty Examiner, NY Beauty Products Examiner and NY Charity Examiner. In addition, she is part of the weekly beauty blogger consortium, Fashion Flash. Silver appears in dozens of videos on Livestrong.com and eHow.com and is sought-after as an anti-aging and beauty expert by the media.
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Posts by Jackie Silver:
Podcasts: Secrets To Staying Young
August 21st, 2013
Listen Here:
Anti-aging and Beauty Expert, Jackie Silver, is a frequent television and radio guest, contributor to and featured expert on numerous beauty, lifestyle and anti-aging websites, including her anti-aging [...]
The Power Of Protein
March 26th, 2013
Those guys in the gym slurping down their protein shakes might be onto something.
This is according to a study done by Italian researchers and published in the journal Cell Metabolism.*
Protein is a building block for [...]
Grape News For Skin
February 25th, 2013
By now most people have heard the “good news” that resveratrol, the compound present in red wine, offers health benefits. According to WebMD.com, “Resveratrol has been linked to prevention [...]
Are You Developing Smart Phone Neck?
January 18th, 2013
Um, hello, up here! Hi!
Nobody looks up anymore. Everyone is too busy looking down at their smart phones, laptops and tablets – texting, reading, flirting, browsing, shopping, playing games, watching videos and [...]
Aging Backwards Shortcuts
September 28th, 2012
is better than counting sheep. Melatonin is a hormone that your brain makes to control your sleep and wake cycles. As we age, all of our body’s hormone levels change. WebMD.com reports that, “Natural [...]