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Dr. Stephen L. Sokolow and Dr. Paul D. Houston

Dr. Paul D. Houston is the former executive director of the American Association of School Administrators, and Dr. Stephen L. Sokolow is a former superintendent of schools who now serves as executive director of the Center for Empowered Leadership. Dr. Houston and Dr. Sokolow each have more than thirty-five years of successful leadership experience in schools and school-related organizations across America. Over the years, both men have become increasingly aware of the spiritual underpinnings of their work as leaders, and the ways in which those underpinnings can lead to wisdom. Whenever they have been together, the conversation inevitably turned to the universal principles that infuse and govern their work as leaders and as human beings.

Posts by Dr. Stephen L. Sokolow and Dr. Paul D. Houston:

  • Podcast: The Wise Leader

  • January 31st, 2014
    Listen Here: Dr. Stephen L. Sokolow and Dr. Paul D. Houston are the authors of The Wise Leader: Doing the Right Things for the Right Reasons  who each have more than thirty-five years of successful leadership experience [...]