Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  

Deremiah CPE

From humble beginnings out of the dark Chicago Public Housing Projects, through the divorce of his parents, thoughts of suicide & welfare lines, Deremiah *CPE has emerged a Champion. Your audience will come to life. Gaining unlimited Inspiration as audiences have done before when they've heard his presentations with well known celebrities like Marianne Williamson, Brendon Burchard and too many other celebrities to name here. Deremiah *CPE received the coveted "Acres of Diamonds" Life Time Achievement Award from Nightingale Conant for transforming the lives of Children. He is recognized by the International Red Cross, Dallas Morning News, CBS & Sirius XM Radio.

Posts by Deremiah CPE:

  • Podcast: Create Insanely Happy Customers!

  • March 27th, 2014
    Listen Here: Want to impact your business in a powerful way? Deremiah knows and tells in this revealing podcast. Award Winning Speaker & Customer Passion Evangelist Deremiah *CPE shares the principles you can use [...]