Dani Babb, Ph.D., MBA
Education Specialist, Dr. Danielle Babb PhD, MBA, is a University Professor for both online and traditional colleges. Dani currently serves as a Professor of Economics for American Military University and as an adjunct professor at several associates level programs, 4-year degree programs, MBA programs and doctoral programs across the country.
She teaches economics, technology, statistics, and business management. Dani has worked for state schools, for-profit schools, public colleges and private universities. She has worked for both highly selective universities as well as "open enrollment schools", where everyone is given a chance.
Dani is the author of the upcoming book, “The Adult Student”, which is due out this winter. She is also the author of, “Make Money Teaching Online” (Wiley, 2006). Dani holds her PhD and MBA in Organization Management with a focus in Information Technology .
She has been interviewed by FOX News Channel, MSNBC, CNN, CNBC and FOX Business News, SmartMoney.com, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, NBC's Today show and many more.
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Posts by Dani Babb, Ph.D., MBA:
Help Wanted – Online Professor Jobs In 2013
Don’t Be A Ghost …In Your Online Classroom!
Online Schools: A Safe Alternative to Brick-and-Mortar Universities?
The Future of Education

Step On A Lego This Year, Anyone? Ouch! While we are busy storing away holiday decorations and moving kids toys from the living room to their bedrooms, in the back of our minds we are often thinking, “what do we want [...]

If you are teaching online, you are most likely subjected to rigorous rules about posting and daily login requirements. However, meeting the minimum is not usually sufficient if you want to engage your learners and help [...]

Online education We cannot turn on the news today without hearing something about an industry that went relatively unnoticed just a few years ago – online education. Online education, and specifically the for-profit [...]

Will MOOCs will replace “traditional” online universities? This blog entry is based off of a relatively heated Yahoo Forum discussion about what adjuncts and the for-profit education sector can expect [...]