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Break The Status Quo & See Your Dreams Break Out Into Reality

So often we build things up in our minds to be way bigger than they really are.

We convince ourselves that what we want is going to take too much time and too much work and we will never “see our dreams come true.”

Basically, we put our dreams on hold with all our many excuses and our dreams never materialize. Does any of this sound familiar to you?  Granted we may have big dreams but the steps we need to take are never too big. We need to get over all internal barrier’s that hold us back and make a decision to take the first step. Sure, this will be harder and we will have to juggle our daily activities to actually “jump-start” those first steps.

A few suggestions to actually put those dreams into action:

You have way more time in your day than you think is available. Just need to focus to make the time.

Change your routine and begin your first steps. Set a plan into action or you will always think you do not have the necessary time to make it happen.

Don’t wait till tomorrow to get moving. The perfect time will never just magically appear. It is up to you to make the time perfect and get started.  Time waits for no one.

Every day keep moving in the right direction of your dreams. You are laying the foundation for your dreams to live on.

Try not to limit the beliefs that you don’t have the ability to make your dreams a reality.

Why not think ” I have amazing potential……I can do this!!”

Read more posts by Mary Ann Sheveland here. Mary Ann is a blogger for JenningsWire.


JenningsWire.com is created by National Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings PR that specializes in providing book marketing strategies to self-published and traditionally published authors. Annie Jennings PR books authors, speakers and experts on major top city radio talk shows that broadcast to the heart of the market, on local, regionally syndicated and national TV shows and on influential online media and in prestigious print magazines and newspapers.