Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  
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Podcast: Where Do Heroes Come From?

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John Dowd Jr. is the author of the book, Heroes Mentors and Friends, which takes a look at who we are INSIDE, enriching our lives, OUTSIDE.

John is a twenty five year broadcaster and on air radio personality.  His “other life” is on the air week-days with a 70’s music show, 12n-6p on SiriusXM “70’s on 7” heard in all fifty states as “JayBeau Jones.”

Where real heroes come from in life and where you can find yours!

  • Why do we need heroes in our lives?
  • Where can you find them? Do they just appear in our lives exactly when needed?
  • Are we sometimes quick to dismiss someone who might have a purpose in our lives?
  • We’ve all said “you are my guardian angel” to someone at one time or another – could that be TRUE?
  • What is the message you want the listener to take away today?

To get more information about John Dowd Jr. and his book Heroes Mentors and Friends please visit JohnDowdJr.com, where you will find lots of FREE goodies including free audio chapters from his book, the latest Heroes Mentors and Friends radio shows and some great ways to win John’s book as well as other books from Hayhouse.

John would love to interact with you on social media. Please visit him on his Facebook.

This podcast is presented by Annie Jennings, of the National Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings PR, and the creator of JenningsWire, online magazine.  JenningsWire a diverse community of talented, insightful and relevant bloggers that share helpful and perhaps life-changing posts and podcasts. Please enjoy more posts on JenningsWire.com and discover bloggers that might be perfect for you!

Thanks, Annie

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