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PJ Adams is a travel lover, psychotherapist, and author who simply loves Paris. Her new book, Intoxicating Paris: Uncorking the Parisian Within is PJ’s quirky, but delicious, journey through the byways, kitchens, shops, cafés, closets, boudoirs, and creative heart of Paris.
Along the way, PJ reveals the secrets to how any of us can uncork a little of that French magic within ourselves–no matter where we live or who we are.
Intoxicating Paris: Uncorking the Parisian Within
- Why Paris and not Rome, London or Rio?
- How do French women eat all that cheese, bread chocolate and drink all that wine and still stay gorgeous?
- What is it about French men? Why do they seem so seductive?
- How can we find our inner Parisian?
- What are some of the secrets waiting for us in Intoxicating Paris?
Find Intoxicating Paris: Uncorking the Parisian Within at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Or contact PJ’s Blog with your questions or your French experiences at or
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