Game on!
Our lives are like stories – they have a beginning, a middle, and an end – just like quarters in a professional football game. The players on both teams are anticipating playing the first quarter with the same tenacity, drive, and determination as the last two quarters. But there is something about those last two quarters that will push you to elevate your game to a whole new level of play. It is that burning desire to win!
What about that third quarter of your life?
Is it starting any better than the first two quarters? How will you fare when your two-minute clock is up? Are you willing to huddle up and stand strong under the pressures of life? Are you willing to kick the dust off your feet and reenter the game of life when disappointment shows up?
You are your own head coach
I know we cannot predict the future, but we can position ourselves by building a foundation for success. First, you develop a game plan, and than execute that plan as if your life depended on it. How will your story end – will you leave a legacy for the next generation? Some of us may be racing against the clock – that “biological clock” – it’s never too late to start, but, more importantly, finish what you start.
Close out the last quarter of 2012 with a win by doing something different to make a difference. We are at our best when we are living out our purpose and knowing that the benefit has the potential of touching the lives of others.
Don’t be afraid to make changes
If your quarter didn’t start off quite the way you intended it to, then design a different plan, make sure you have the right people in place, give clear instructions, and then execute it. Success comes when you see what’s not working but are not afraid to make the necessary adjustments midway through the game.