When I awake.
I woke up this morning, took a deep breath, closed my eyes, said a little prayer before I rose up to do my normal routine. When I awake, I lay in the bed and go through what needs to be done for the day in my mind. It’s so much easier to make an itinerary each day so that things can get done on time and finished in order to have free time to do whatever you want to do. For me, it would be to do more writing or watch something on television to get the juices flowing if I have writer’s block.
I started it like this because it has to be done when someone comes in your life and quickly goes back out. How do you handle people who lie to you? How do you handle people you’ve had feelings for and they leave? Do you eat more, get into your work, drink, smoke, or lock yourself inside your home or room? All these things are not good to do and you need a type of support system to be able to handle something like this.
As I said in my previous post, I didn’t make any resolutions~I made goals.
My goal for this year has become a year of silence. I already deemed it. Not saying that I would stop writing but, to observe more than I usually have been. Okay, dating can be difficult if you let it become difficult. Learn body language so that you will know if you need to deal with that person or have a second date. In order to remain positive, I read daily and listen to a list of experts to keep me going. Then, I realize, they are motivational speakers and I can easily motivate myself. But wouldn’t it be easier to get a little push? Think about this though. You can’t expect the experts to do all the work for you. The experts are there only to give you guidance to what you need at that particular time.
I know what you’re thinking. . .what does this have to do with the year of silence? It has everything to do with silence. If you desire to get a greater manifestation, there is one thing you must do to accomplish that. . .remain quiet and listen. Well, two. . . If you don’t listen, you would miss out on the most rewarding situations life has to offer you. I chose to do this this year because of failed relationships mainly, the hurt that needs to seep through my pores and leave this weary soul. I will advance in my career because all I want to do is write, make a living out of it, and live a happier life. In order to do that I must go behind what the well-known entertainer, Janet Jackson calls “the velvet rope.”
In doing this several things will occur:
1. You will cut off the world
2. Not answer any phone calls, texts or emails
3. The pencils, pens and pads are put away
4. No television
5. No company
In so many words, it becomes a form of detox without the inducement of drugs. And if at best, you fast and pray. I’m not saying that you have to fast and pray everyday for 12 months. You would waste away to nothing if you do it that way. You will find that taking time for yourself, you will learn about the true and real you and who your friends are. Be aware that your attitude may change in the process to better or worse. If you find it difficult this way and you still need this for yourself, pray three times a day. That’s the best medicine that can ever be taken outside of laughing. Just take time to find a quiet place to yourself and work to better yourself. It is always needed.
Quiet Reverence
Solace is quiet among the thieves in the temple.
Stacey Barlow is a contributing blogger for JenningsWire, a blogging community created by Annie Jennings.