You’re so busy, taking care of stuff, upgrading stuff, cleaning stuff and shopping for more stuff.
But, something just does not feel right. Instead of thinking about all the things in your day and being satisfied at the end of your day, you look at your long list of things to do and sigh, “So much to do.” Something’s wrong when you turn into a “human doing” instead of a “human being.”
Does this mean that you are just one more person taking care of stuff all day, bemoaning the fact that there is never enough time?
In short, when will you enjoy your life? Could these statements be the problem:
- “When I finish all the stuff I have to do?”
- “When the kids get older?”
- “When things ease up at home or at work, then I will slow down?”
Who are you kidding? Tomorrow always brings more stuff. Our overloaded schedules always have a surprise or two each day and the schedule just never slows down.
Maybe, it is time for a change.
An overabundance of stress is not a given. It’s a choice. It probably does not feel that way, as you have “convinced yourself that you have to do” all these things. But, do you?
Some who live the good life are too busy to enjoy it. Busy they are, stressed they are, happy, they are not. There’s not a huge difference between a person who hasn’t many life options and another who does exercise the rights on being able to structure their day. But if you experience your day as rushing around from one thing to another and not enjoying any of it, what’s the point? We fool ourselves into believing that we don’t have time. But, we’ve got it wrong. Time is not the problem. It’s the habits we developed that are the real problems. If you feel exhausted because of all the things you think you have to do, maybe it is time to nurture your curiosity. Why not appreciate that you are more important as a “HUMAN BEING” and not simply as a “HUMAN DOING.”
Read more posts by Mary Ann Sheveland here. Mary Ann is a blogger for JenningsWire.