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THIS SUMMER! Annie Jennings of the National PR firm, Annie Jennings PR and Stacy Amaral Kauffman, Radio Director for Annie’s firm present a fun and interesting take on why getting booked on radio is a great way to live your dream of helping others with your books and your message.
TOUR AMERICA FROM YOUR PHONE: Want to reach thousands, hundreds of thousands and perhaps even more people with your publicity? Appearing on the major radio talk shows in the top cities, major markets and on Nationally Syndicated shows offers you instant access across America.
Reach across America with a summer radio campaign!
- Why is radio a powerful and easy way to share your message?
- How does radio impact your influence, credibility and expert status?
- How does it add to your platform and ability to mega-compete?
- What special skills does it take to be HOT RADIO GUEST in demand?
- What are the secrets to getting booked on the best radio shows in the USA?
You get a performance guarantee and unlimited media training.
GET BOOKED FAST! To learn about the famous Annie Jennings PR Radio Talk Show Publicity Campaign please click here. Annie will connect with you personally. Annie backs her radio campaigns with a guarantee so you are always investing in your ability to achieve more success more easily.
YOU GET UNLIMITED MEDIA TRAINING. Every radio talk show interview campaign comes with UNLIMITED MEDIA TRAINING conducting by high-powered media trainer with extensive experience as a news director and guest booker on major radio. Annie’s media trainer teaches you the HOT GUEST media skills so you are comfortable, confident, prepared and fabulous on the air!
To view more posts by Annie Jennings here.
This podcast is presented by Annie Jennings, of the National Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings PR, and the creator of JenningsWire, online magazine. JenningsWire a diverse community of talented, insightful and relevant bloggers that share helpful and perhaps life-changing posts and podcasts. Please enjoy more posts on and discover bloggers that might be perfect for you!
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