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Today’s guest is Colinda Aldridge, an up and coming author who shares her passion and most intimate feelings into a 4 book series entitled Emotions. For Colinda, coping with tragedy, conquering fears and reflecting on life choices begins with the ink of a pen and the smooth surface of a piece of paper. Today she shares the healing power of words.
Healing Through Words
- Inevitably life throws us a curve ball, how can we accept the challenge?
- What tools help us work though difficulties?
- How can writing and expressing yourself help heal?
- Why is trusting yourself such a big part of beating the odds?
- What one piece of advice do you want to leave our listeners?
If you would like to learn more about Colinda and her journey, or contact her directly, please visit
This podcast is presented by Annie Jennings, of the National Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings PR that specializes in providing book promotion services to self-published and traditionally published authors. Annie Jennings PR books authors, speakers and experts on major high impact radio talk interview shows, on local, regionally syndicated and national TV shows and on influential online media outlets and in prestigious print magazines and newspapers across the country.
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