Put a ring on it!
Hey guys, are you ready for this? If you’re thinking about proposing this New Year’s Eve, JenningsWire queried the romance pros and asked for their best ideas on how to pop the question on New Year’s Eve.
Note from Annie Jennings, creator of JenningsWire: Hurry and hunt down champagne glasses with the year 2013 on them or some other 2013 decoration. This way, you will always have a special memento of your famous proposal! (Call ahead to a party store and ask them to put aside some champagne glasses for you so you know they are there waiting for you or if not, you can look for another 2013 memento.)
Ring in the New Year with a ring
Carole Lieberman, M.D., psychiatrist and author of Bad Girls: Why Men Love Them & How Good Girls Can Learn Their Secrets share three ways to propose on New Year’s Eve:
- Put a ring in the champagne glass you hand to her for a toast at the stroke of midnight.
- Stake out a romantic corner in a restaurant or hotel near Times Square. As the ball comes down get down on one knee.
- Invite her to a surprise New Year’s Eve party. When she walks in, everyone will scream, “Surprise!” and there you’ll be in a tuxedo with roses in one hand and a ring in the other.
Make a New Year’s resolution . . .
Brandon Aki, known as the real life “Hitch” for Women is a Courtship Consultant/Dating Expert and author of the eBook available in time for Valentine’s Day, HE Said: A Crash Course in Dating for Women shares these three tips on how to propose on New Year’s. You can visit Brandon at BrandonAki.com
1) A picture’s worth a thousand proposals: New Year’s is about new beginnings — starting a life together is the most special beginning of all. Build the excitement for where you’re going by taking a look at where you’ve been. The best stories are told with pictures, so surprise your mate with a custom photo album from the first date to the present and on the last pages of the album have a photo of the engagement ring, another photo of the words “will you marry me” written in the sand and a final photo of her desired honeymoon spot.
2) The best New Year’s resolution ever: Make a date at a romantic spot or restaurant she’s wanted to try. Bring with you your New Year’s resolution list with 10 resolutions for 2013. The 11th resolution is “Getting married. Will you marry me?”
3) The party proposal: Arrange a New Year’s Eve party and invite your closest friends and family members. As midnight approaches and the crowd counts down, instead of everyone shouting, “Happy New Year,” everyone shouts, “Will You Marry Me!?” at which point you get on your knees, take out a ring and propose.
Should you wait until New Year’s Day?
Marsha Lucas PhD, Psychologist / Neuropsychologist and author of Rewire Your Brain For Love (Hay House, 2012) suggests waiting until New Year’s Day to propose. Here’s Marsha’s suggestion:
Instead of proposing while tipsy (or worse) and tired (or worse) on New Year’s Eve — go to sleep at a reasonable hour on New Year’s Eve (bear with me). Prepare beforehand to wake up before dawn, and go to a gorgeous place to watch the sun come up — in nature is great, but urban high points can be nice, too. As the sun breaks the horizon, say your most loving intentions, from your heart, looking your beloved in the eye. Propose.
Here’s how they do it in France . . .
“The best way to propose is to whisk your loved one to Paris,” says Franco-American Mompreneur, Pamela Balagué, who created a company that specializes in building customized walking tours and developing Smartphone applications for their distribution, WalkGeneration.com
Pamela continues, “After dark, head to the Cour Carré of the Louvre museum, a courtyard lined with the oldest walls of the museum whose details are beautifully and romantically lit up at night. Go to the fountain in the center, propose, and enjoy this place (where tourists rarely venture at night). Afterwards, take a stroll along the Seine to admire the lighting and Paris’s bridges before going to dinner. The romantic lighting, ambiance, and feeling that Paris is just for two are unforgettable.”
All heart, Annie
Annie Jennings is the Creator of JenningsWire.
JenningsWire.com is created by National Publicist, Annie Jennings of the NYC based PR Firm, Annie Jennings PR. Annie Jennings PR specializes in marketing books for getting authors booked on radio talk show interviews, TV shows in major online and in high circulation magazines and newspapers. Annie also works with speaker and experts to build up powerful platforms of credibility and influence.