If you are like me, you may be tired of this election process and need something else to focus on.
I know I do. This election cycle has given “he said” “she said” a whole new meaning.
When I heard about the “1000 rings” it was like an oasis in the middle of a very vast desert. An oasis not a mirage because these 1000 rings are not going anywhere.
The Cleveland Cavaliers won the NBA Championship. When a team wins, the team designs their ring and chooses the recipients. Team members make up the first level. Then of course ownership and front office. THEN WHAT? There was a lot of talk about whether team members’ and coaches who had left the team should get one.
In Cleveland’s case the decision making didn’t stop at this level. Team physicians received a ring. OK. Let’s just cut to the chase. In total, 1000 rings at the cost of 1 million dollars were purchased by the CAVS for all employees. This includes ushers and hot dog vendors, parking attendants and popcorn attendants. To hear majority owner Dan Gilbert explain it, it was an easy decision to make. They all have a part in the process that resulted in those 3 Final wins.
A humorous aside, it may be a challenge to design a ring for a 7 foot behemoth as well as a 5’2 usher. THEY ALL GET THE SAME RING.
The challenge for all of us is to figure out how we can apply that same inclusive mindset and philosophy at our own places of business.
The CAVS are facing a huge luxury tax bill that will come due shortly to the IRS. They went over their allotted budget in the goal to bring home a winner. Now the time is coming to pay up. When asked about this huge bill owed to the IRS, Dan Gilbert asked, would you rather have money in the bank or a championship ring?
Leslie is a contributing blogger for JenningsWire. Read more posts by Leslie Ungar here.
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