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Journey Through Human & Animal Hearts

Giving 15 minute, free, mini reading and healing sessions for animals and humans is a deep, fulfilling journey.

Names are changed to respect confidentiality.

It began last week. 44 people signed up. I welcome more.

The process brings me deeper in touch with nourishing love on this planet.

The great respect between humans and the furry, feathered, and waterproof ones is flavorfully exquisite, full of charm, saturated in sweet benevolence.

I spoke to canine who was sending messages of love to his human Mom’s good friend.

This dog’s intention was to help transform a rift between two humans. Unbound by judgments, this lovely dog, Phyllis, worked as a liaison. Her purpose-aim was to mend a surfaced wound. Understanding humans with compassion, she patiently and attentively travelled as new harmony between them, prompting healing, aware of love deeper than disappointments.

I spoke to a beautiful bird who was mirror to his person, helping her to tend to parts of herself in need. Parts of her being requiring love, parts otherwise unnoticed, were brought to attention by the lovely bird, Gloria.

I spoke to someone who’s body informed her that she could accomplish her goals by tuning into a vortex of receiving. Rather than efforting willfully, she could relax into magic of herself. The body is a beautiful animal, communicating with us. With each person or animal’s healing, I was altered.  I became more happy, full. Sorrows of past, surfacing for a final exit, were erased.

When I read for an animal or human, I learn of places that seek rebalancing, more forgiveness, nourishment, celebrating, witnessing, or healing.

Together, I travel with animal or person into these layers. Much shifts. Each aspect of emotional, physical, and spiritual self calls to be seen, heard, felt. Witnessing happens, birth of new strengths, healing of wounds, re-harmonizing of paradigms occurs. Great wellness, love, fullness, and wealth come into play.

I overflow of the animals and humans I have been graced to speak with.  Setting out on this venture I was thinking about all I could give. I forgot how much I would receive. I receive a deep bounty of joy and fullness. I find myself expanded as the globe. Pulsating, joyful, loving, extending into eternity.  I am being reminded of what I am. Those calling for sessions are of  inner beauty and love.  I am washed and graced. Falling back in love with the Divine Mystery Earth and all her/his creatures. Thank you.

Those calling are replenished, washed, and revitalized with nutrients of delight, faith and trust. Hooray for the creation life. We are cleansing the tunnel into eternity, the one of great good.

Given how popular these sessions are, I am extending my dates. I am offering one a day M-F for the next 12 months. The mini, free sessions are for people who have not yet experienced my one-on-one work. Please feel free to share with friends, family, or claim one as yours: Laurie@DrLaurieMoore.com.

Read more posts by Laurie Moore Laurie Moore, LMFT, CHT, PhD. Laurie blogs for JenningsWire.