My husband has just released his 19th book! He usually writes pretty hard-core business books, so book #19 is a bit of a departure for him.
It’s called Who’s in Your Room and will be available for sale shortly. I was reading it this past weekend and came across a section where Lynne Twist, author of The Soul of Money, was writing about the three toxic myths which create a false sense of “not enough” in our world.
First, Lynne talks about the myth of “There is not enough,” and she writes that this is a pervasive fear in cultures where there certainly IS enough. This myth pulls us right into the myth of “Someone is going to get left out.” These two myths working together cause us to strive to get way, way, WAY more than we really NEED.
I can vouch for this belief, when unexamined, just by looking in my own closet!! How many black shirts do I need? How many pairs of sandals? How many purses? I can assure you that it is less than I actually own. Far less.
Lynne goes on to write that these two myths lead us to the third myth: “I am not enough.” If I don’t have more, do more, win more, get more, pile up more and more, I am not enough.
But myths are not reality, are they? When we are able to dispel the belief that “I am not enough,” suddenly the fear of someone being left out and the fear that there is not enough begin to unravel.
Once we dispel the belief that “I am not enough,” we are able to live with totally fearless generosity.
It is this kind of fearless generosity that moves us to give as Jesus spoke of: If you have two jackets, you give your neighbor one. It moves us to even give our only jacket if our neighbor needs it. Imagine if we were all striving to give to meet someone else’s need. There would always be someone giving to meet our need! No one would ever go without.
Fearless generosity is the antidote to “I am not enough.” It is even a good place to start to dispel that myth.
Read more posts by Beth Misner, a contributing blogger for JenningsWire. is created by National Publicist, Annie Jennings of the NYC based PR Firm, Annie Jennings PR. Annie Jennings PR specializes in marketing books for getting authors booked on radio talk show interviews, TV shows in major online and in high circulation magazines and newspapers. Annie also works with speaker and experts to build up powerful platforms of credibility and influence.