The difference between an average life and a fantastic life of adventure as defined by you, hinges on three things…
Your thoughts that become realities by your hand; actions that move you toward your destiny; and, a deep persistence knowing that you thrive in the creative realm of living.
Henry David Thoreau said it in these words, “If you advance confidently toward your dreams and endeavor to live the life which you have imagined, you will meet with success unexpected in common hours. You will pass through invisible boundaries. New and liberal laws will engage you. And, you will live with the license of a higher order of beings.”
Whether your dreams equal a weekend backpacking trip or a journey around the world, engage the highest vibrational frequencies of your mind and body—to propel you toward your highest and best destiny.
What actually equates to your destiny?
Answer: whatever activity ignites the cells in your body toward a definite purpose.
How do you discover that purpose? After high school or college, nearly everyone moves toward a job. Some stumble into meaningless jobs while others prepare by studying, learning and choosing a major in college. Others take vocational technical schools while others meander into waitressing, used car salesperson, truck driver, janitor or cashier.
Many languish while others plan. What do you love doing in your spare time? What engages you as to hobbies, crafts, music or art? What kind of posters do you display in your bedroom? What kind of pictures decorate your house?
Look at those pictures and examine the activities that you enjoy. Where can you find a “purpose” that fulfills your inner being, that ignites your passions and brings a smile to your face? It’s probably in those pictures or your after work activates.
When I graduated from college, I had pedaled my bicycle for five years on my paper route in high school and all four years of college.
I loved to pedal a bike. Upon walking across the stage for my pigskin, I made a promise, “I’m going to pedal across seven continents.” Please, note, you can promise yourself the same thing when you walk across your high school stage to pick up your diploma.
Upon entering the workforce, I became a cardiac catheterization medical technician, math teacher, lifeguard, pool cleaner, bartender, dance teacher, 18-wheeler long haul trucker, janitor, ski instructor, housekeeper, waiter and dishwasher. Every job carried me closer to my ultimate goal: to bicycle around the world.
Years later, I presented my “How to Live a Life of Adventure” program to a high school. Four years afterward, friends told me that one of the kids in that presentation took my advice. He worked two solid years at 80 hours a week at two jobs, rode a bicycle to work and play, lived in a basement and saved all his money. His goal: to buy a motorcycle and ride it from the Arctic Ocean in Alaska to the bottom of South America. That’s 18,000 miles!
During my travels, one lady, Brenda Joyce, whom I met in Antarctica—had traveled to 180 countries in 50 years.
She became a secretary, bookstore owner and international currier. Firms paid her to carry important papers from one country to another. She worked jobs with international employers to get to where she wanted. Today, she lives and works in Thailand. She loves it because she uses her base-point for travels all over Asia. She said, “I suffer from ‘dromomania’, which means I have an inordinate need to travel.”
What spirit of adventure burns in your heart? Where do you want to go with your life? How will you get there? Understand that adventure may not be world travel; it may mean art, music, teaching, writing or parenting. It’s your choice.
The answer lies in your steadfast belief in yourself.
It lives in your heart and mind. It’s that “pull” of life that urges you toward your highest and best purpose.
President Teddy Roosevelt said it best, “It’s not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man or woman in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.”
Charge into the arena of your life. Put a smile on your destiny.
Read more posts by Frosty Wooldridge here. Frosty is a blogger for JenningsWire Online Magazine.
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