Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  
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Podcast: Debunking Millennial Worker Myth

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Podcast: Debunking Millennial Worker MythNicole Royer has spent the past three years speaking on college campuses across the country about entrepreneurship and the challenges of the multi-generational workplace. Her ebook Unexpected Benefits of a Multi-Generational Workplace, delves into how businesses should change culture to benefit all generations, from baby boomer to millennial.

Debunking Millennial Worker Myth

  • What is the biggest misconception about millennials?
  • Millennials are seen as job-hoppers.  What causes it and how can businesses minimize this trend?
  • Why are more millennials seeking traditional employment over entrepreneurship?
  • Why is the topic of a multi-generational workplace such a topic of contention for businesses?
  • How can businesses successfully blend different generations together in the workplace?

Be sure to visit www.startupwithnicole.com to receive Nicole’s ebook Unexpected Benefits of a Multi-Generational Workplace, and to learn more about how she can help your business’ culture shift.  Be sure to connect with her on LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on workshops and other upcoming resources for start-up and small businesses.

This podcast is presented by Annie Jennings, of the National Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings PR and the creator of JenningsWire online magazine. JenningsWire is capturing the heart of America with its rich community of talented, insightful and relevant bloggers and podcasters! Please visit Jenningswire.com and discover the blogger just right for you.

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