It’s offically that time of year again, when we look to the future and dream our dreams . . .
JenningsWire queried authors and experts across the USA to discover what it is they are resolving to do this year. It seems the overwhelming theme was to live in the moment, create more quality of life, simplify where we could simplify, delegate where we could delegate and make BIG THINGS happen for our businesses.
So, I would say the bottom line was to definitely mix “business with pleasure” in 2013!
Here’s a 2013 New Year’s Resolution Round Up from authors and experts across the nation. Be sure to leave your own resolution in our comments section below and check out Annie’s New Year’s Resolution below. Can she do it? How long can she last?
Ok, here we go to the resolutions from across the Nation:
Taking care of myself better
My New Year’s Resolution is to incorporate more meaningful self-care into my day, week and month.
Two years ago, I started my own business and while I love what I do, I work hard! As I have been slowing down for the end of the year, I realized how exhausted I am, I want to take better care of myself so I have more energy to take care of the people that I serve.
Resolution submitted by Erena DiGonis, LMSW, CHC, Licensed Psychotherapist and Certified Health Coach. You can visit Erena at
Get rid of time wasters, inefficient business processes, bad clients, finish projects, delegate
My New Year’s Resolution is a business resolution that will benefit my personal life as well. I have resolved to identify and eliminate time wasters or inefficient business processes by February 1, 2013, and to continue operating a more efficient business throughout the year. Three time wasters, that often go unnoticed, come to mind immediately. First, bad clients; that is, any client that causes our business or professional relationship to be an overall negative experience.
I plan to finish existing projects with those I have determined to be bad clients, but more importantly I plan to implement an enhanced client screening process to prevent the issue at the onset. Second, I plan to eliminate tasks that I currently perform that can be delegated, thereby allowing me to focus on my true passion and growing my business.
Third, I plan to eliminate (or minimize) interruptions. As an attorney who must come up with innovative solutions for clients, it is necessary for me to set aside blocks of uninterrupted time. If I identify such time wasters, I will ultimately provide an enhanced level of service to my clients, have a better work-life balance, and my business will thrive.
Resolution submitted by Dondi West Esq, Attorney and Technology consultant who is an industry recognized subject matter expert on Cybersecurity, Privacy, Information Security, and Internet and Technology Law. You can visit Dondi at
Be consistent and focused
My New Year’s Resolution is to focus on quality content at a regular schedule that connects with my audience. I’ve been far too inconsistent and split my focus across other strategies in past years, but this one delivers the most value for me and for my audience.
Resolution submitted by Robert Graham, author of Cold Calling Early Customers. You can visit Robert at
Maintain focus in launch of new site
I’m set to launch a new website on January 1st. The site is about connecting and promoting Indian individuals and organizations worldwide. The new site shares their success/struggle stories and innovative business ideas with a broader audience. The purpose is to simply build a community of everyday people who have cool ideas and do extra-ordinary things. The resolution is to get – and maintain – focus on doing one thing and doing it really well. With many of my previous attempts at starting online projects, I often cannibalized ideas by trying to do too much. I need to keep a laser focus and be persistent, regardless of the outcome.
Resolution submitted by Raj Shaj, Marketing Consultant at
Build community with customers with website strategy
My resolution is to connect with my customers on my own site and build community internally. I feel like I am too dependent on social networking for keeping in touch with my users, and I’d like to change that.
Resolution submitted by Kari Sullivan, Founder,
I need help too. Delegate, use outside vendors to accomplish more
I’ve been running my business for 11+ years and it’s like a third child to me. Because I created it and it’s so personal to me, I’ve been very hesitant to let any outside person offer advice or take over anything relevant. In a nutshell, I’m an attorney that people contact to find the right lawyer for their case. I help them realize who gives them the best chance of a good result.
I’ve been fortunate that I’ve grown and had lots of success, but with that comes much more work. I’m exhausted.
So my resolution is that I’m going to take my own advice and realize that using vendors for stuff like managing a pay-per-click campaign or media requests is a good idea and gives me the best chance of a successful 2013. People come to me because they need help and I need to get help too.
Resolution submitted by Mike Helfand of
Use social media and blog to attract new clients
My new year’s resolution for 2013 is to use social media and search engine optimization to expand my client base and market my blog.
I work 100% off of referrals and have purposely kept a small client base so I could deliver exceptional weight loss results. While this is satisfying, I would like to expand my network while maintaining the same high standard of pounds lost. I have surrounded myself with a great support team this fall so that in 2013 I can grow my client base. Because I am a small business, I don’t have a big budget so I see social media and my blog as great ways to attract new clients.
Resolution submitted by Certified Weight Loss Consultant, Claire Pearson, CEO of Claire Pearson Inc., Weight Loss Expert, Blogger, and Licensed Business Practitioner of NLP. Please visit Claire at
Retrain brain to have complete concentration on one task (stop multi-tasking)
New Year’s Resolution (business and personal): I have a chaotic and fast-moving brain – and I truly feel that I have conditioned myself to be a passive multi-tasker because of the many things I try to balance at once. With that being said, my 2013 NY resolution is to actively retrain my brain to have complete concentration on one task, even if it’s the most simple thing. Founded in Buddist principles, the “art of mindfulness” works to perform one action with 100 percent of our attention.
Whether I am pouring coffee or writing an op-ed for a major publication, I will work to concentrate 100 percent to that task. This will help me produce better work in a business setting, and will also improve my life outside of work.
Resolution submitted by Allie Gray Freeland, PR Director at iAcquire, a Digital Marketing Firm. You can visit Allie at
Be successful without being a workaholic
My new year’s resolution is to find a way to keep my blog/business successful without being a total workaholic. This past year I’ve struggled (and failed) at having a work life balance and this upcoming year I plan to get it right! My second resolution is to lose 10 pounds and fit into my “skinny clothes” again.
Resolution submitted by Fashion and Beauty Expert, Francisca, NYC Fashion Blogger and Journalist. Please visit Francisca at
Grow my syndicated monthly column
My big resolution is to grow Green And Profitable, the syndicated monthly column on green business I’ve been writing for two years.
Resolution submitted by Shel Horowitz. Shel is the author of Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green: Winning Strategies to Improve Your Profits and Your Planet (on Amazon’s environmental bestseller list more than 25 months). Please visit Shel at
Make people of all ages laugh in my own comedy club
My resolution is to open the country’s first 100% clean comedy club, a place for people of all ages can go and not worry about profanity, vulgarity or being picked on because of their physical characteristics. In short, a kinder, gentler comedy club.
Resolution submitted by Dan Nainan, Comedian, Actor, Voiceover Artist, Computer Expert (New York, Los Angeles). Please visit Dan at
Make a living doing the work we love
“For my business, get my husband fully on-board as Chief Technologist – we both recently quit our 6-figure corporate jobs – and earn our first 6-figure income on our own, free of the corporate chains. We do this through professional blogging, speaking, writing books and creating digital products that help others live life on their own terms. The reason behind this resolution is to show that we can make our dream come true: Doing work that we love and find meaningful AND making a great living doing it.
Resolution submitted by Farnoosh Brock, career expert, author, speaker, and business coach who helps corporate professionals excel or make drastic career transitions in Corporate America. Farnoosh is the author of several books including The Comprehensive Guide to Green Juicing, The 8 Pillars of Motivation, A Writing Manifesto, Travel with Confidence, Rumi: A Photographic Gallery and The Healthy Juicer’s Bible (due out in the spring). Please visit Farnoosh at
To experience more ‘Wow’ moments in my Life
I am a photographer and I’ve experienced many ‘Wow’ moments. And I’ve come to realize that ‘Wow’ moments are available all the time, it’s just a matter of where we focus.
Resolution submitted by Vickie Lewis. Photographer/ Find out more about living in the Wow at
No more self sabotage
My professional New Year’s Resolution is to make a financial success of Wake Up Your Magic with grounded, sensible, well thought out and organized business practices combined with our own Wake Up Your Magic processes for outstanding achievement. Why this resolution now? In the past I have self sabotaged myself because of the fear of success. Now knowing I have an important legacy to leave of art and healing this is my year!
Resolution submitted by Susan C. Guild. Susan is a Life Alchemist Specializing in inspiring others and the author of Wake Up Your Magic – One Woman’s Journey, Find Your Dancing Heart – 30 Days to a Whole New You and the Red Polka Dotted Pillow – Wake Up the Real Who Within You. Please visit Susan at
Follow the lead of our pets and live in the moment
My name is Kimberly Gauthier and my personal New Years Resolution is to follow the lead of our pets and live in the moment. Over the past year, I’ve been writing a blog about dogs, Keep the Tail Wagging, and one thing that our dogs (and cats) have impressed upon us is the importance of living in the moment. Our pets are so happy, because they take every bit of pleasure out of every moment and I’m going to give this a shot too!
Resolution submitted by Kimberly Gauthier, Professional Blogger and Editor in Chief of Keep the Tail Wagging, an online magazine for dog lovers that shares dog care tips.
Donate some of my workshops
One of my personal New Year’s resolutions is to donate more of the workshops I conduct (Communication Skills, Goal Setting, Job Interviewing, Stress Management, Negotiation, Presentation Skills) to various nonprofits, especially those that are involved with helping youth and those that are involved with helping the unemployed. There is so much need out there, and to be able to contribute to others is a blessing for me.
Resolution submitted by Executive Coach, Ronald Kaufman, who has over 15 years experience leading workshops and is the author of Anatomy of Success. Please visit Ronald at
What’s Annie’s (creator of JenningsWire) New Year’s Resolution?
Well, 2012 was a pretty big year for us with the launch of JenningsWire: The World of Success and we will keep on ‘keeping on’. However, there is one thing I think I should change as this can cause lots of trouble when it happens. As you can imagine, putting together JenningsWire takes a team of dedicated people who share the vision of what JenningsWire can be. And this means working way past quitting time. So, my big resolution is NO MORE COFFEE IN THE OFFICE FOR ME. Here’s why. I personally work on three computers at once and I am constantly shifting back and forth between them (why wait for one to complete a task when I can be doing something else on another computer?) Good thing I love multi-tasking. Just feels good to me. But spilled coffee all over the desk and keyboards is truly a crisis. But, we do have to laugh because our reaction to a spilled cup of coffee is like that of a practiced fire drill. We all know exactly what to do. Quick: grab paper towels from emergency shelf. Turn keyboard over. Mop up spill beginning with the most dangerous location for spread. Do not let the coffee touch anything else that it has not touched already. Stealth movements are required. Coffee soaked desk papers are wiped dry and set out on another desk and the broken keyboard is whisked away and a new one set before me (I buy these things in bulk). Time elapsed: maybe two minutes . . . and there is one thing I actually like about a coffee spill and that’s the lingering coffee smell . . . yum. It’s enough to make me want another cup . . . uh oh.
Love you guys and here’s to your great success in 2013!
All heart, Annie