Don’t be pushed by your problems in life, but led by your dreams.
Have you ever thought how powerful words are and how much energy they carry in our everyday conversations?
Five words I am trying to eliminate are:
SHOULD – This is a simple word to avoid. When used it makes you slow on moving forward and instead like a fear is pushing you.
BUT – It seems like everything leading to this point is simply not true. Be honest with yourself.
MAYBE – This word lacks clarity and a fear of commitment.
DON’T – Just saying “I don’t know” is an easy way to avoid making the tough decisions that lead in the direction of your dreams.
CAN’T – I challenged myself to all of the things that people told me “I can’t do for one reason or another.” Then I realized I could and I usually did.
Why not use words in your daily conversations that push your dreams forward instead of showing up your fears?
Read more posts by Mary Ann Sheveland here. Mary Ann is a blogger for JenningsWire. is created by National Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings PR that specializes in providing book marketing strategies to self-published and traditionally published authors. Annie Jennings PR books authors, speakers and experts on major top city radio talk shows that broadcast to the heart of the market, on local, regionally syndicated and national TV shows and on influential online media and in prestigious print magazines and newspapers.