As you absorb the active spirit of giving, don’t forget to give to your inner self.
It is important to pause frequently and add your name to the gift list. Many people seldom think it is appropriate to give to oneself, rather taking the outward approach to give to others always. You deserve gifts too. Lift your spirits with gifts of wonder, expression, passion, happiness, gratitude, and friendship. Befriend yourself-start with this priceless gift.
Gifts oftentimes bestow happiness, especially when genuine thoughtfulness is attached to it. Think about you, appreciate and enjoy who you are. Then, it go ahead and gift to others, fully aware that it is not the gift or the cost of the item but the care and kindness that is associated with it. Abundantly share kindness, happiness, passion, gratitude.
Make it a practice and often used priority in your life to give a gift to yourself.
“Each day provides its own gifts.” ~Marcus Aurelius
12 Gifts for You:
1. Joy – greet every experience with joy. The feelings of appreciation, gratitude and acquiesce, regardless of the circumstance, are invigorating life learning moments. Joy gives you wings.
2. Affirmation – say “yes” to life. Affirm your ability to direct your life. You are the captain of your life ship; guide yourself to whatever you desire. Claim your gifts; the universe is saturated with gems of inestimable value that are just for you.
3. Confirmation – verifications are right in front of your face when you are thinking about and doing the right thing. The available gift is for you to recognize the confirmations that automatically follow right action.
4. Understanding – in all of your giving, get the gift of understanding. Kindness is the bedrock of understanding. Stand on the principled rock of kind understanding, people will listen.
5. Excellence – doing your best, making excellence your signature, is a legacy gift. The imprint mark of excellence that is associated with your life is eternal evidence of your life done well.
6. Confidence – go boldly in the direction you have chosen. Respect your choice(s) to the fullest. Find your way by this spotlight and “see the dawn before the rest of the world,” says Oscar Wilde.
7. Exploration – the world awaits your discovery. The excitement and enlightenment that accompanies exploration are priceless gifts.
8. Silence – quiet introspection causes the world to listen. Allow the gift of silence to guide your ultimate happiness and success. Calm mindfulness is a balm.
9. Openness – there are lessons to learn every day. Be open to teachable moments, these innocent gifts guide you closer to source.
10. Compassion – first never do harm. Gentle compassion to you is a gift that gives premium, perpetual joy. Give yourself the gift of compassion and then continuously give it away to others.
11. Peace – let the soft flowing water of peace buoy your life. Regardless of what happens, and many things will intrude upon your peace, quickly restore your calm with the gift of peace.
12. Love – love you! Love every piece of you; love your mind, heart, body, soul. Love you and all of the essence that composes this priceless pearl that you are. Love you in all of your uniqueness, there is nothing better than love.
So give gifts to yourself and others from the heart and fulfill the destiny that is yours in this priceless moment.
Anita Jefferson is a contributing blogger for JenningsWire, a blogging community created by Annie Jennings.