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Have You Ever Thought “Who Am I?”

Just be yourself!

From very small children we have watched and listened to our parents, friends and teachers express and live their views and beliefs.

Most of us have tried to model our behaviors to fit into day’s world with all its expectations.

Do you feel yourself drawn closer to others that allow you to express your thoughts and not always try to comment or judge you?

Or do you surround yourself with critical people who always try to judge you?

We should celebrate who we are.

Look at your strengths, achievements and even weaknesses.  Acknowledge your problems and try to work on them.

Don’t let others define who you are.  What you think about yourself is far more important.  Be yourself and proud of it.

It’s a great idea to laugh and let go of things you can not control.  Not easy to do but try not to hold onto them.  Learning to be comfortable with yourself is a major stepping stone.

Just be Yourself.  After all, you are an original and not a copy.  Learn to express yourself, not hold back.  Be proud of who you are.

Don’t ever lose sight of “YOU!!”

Read more posts by Mary Ann Sheveland here.  Mary Ann is a blogger for JenningsWire.