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Want to make your first million before you are 30? If so, you will LOVE this podcast!
Over the course of four years, Coalition Technologies founder and CEO, Joel Gross, managed to accomplish the near-impossible: he launched a successful start-up amidst national recession, acquired an impressive roster of 50+ clients, and expanded his business worldwide – all before the age of thirty.
Create a successful start up FAST!
- What is the #1 piece of advice you’d give to a young entrepreneur looking to start a business?
- What initial challenges did you face? How have those challenges evolved as your business has grown?
- Did you ever feel your young age was a road block?
- According to The Wall Street Journal, 3 out of 4 start-ups fail. What is the secret of success?
- Now, approaching the age of thirty, what advice would you give your twenty-something self? What might you have done differently?
Joel Gross is the CEO and founder of, a web design and SEO firm based in Los Angeles, CA. His website is a popular resource for SEO tips and business strategy as well so be sure to visit Joel at his site.
This podcast is presented by JenningsWire is an inspirational and amazing community of bloggers and it has been said that we have a blogger for everyone. Enjoy the site and be sure to find your special blogger too! Thanks, Annie (Creator of JenningsWire)
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