Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  
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Podcast: Autoimmune: The Cause & The Cure

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More and more people are suffering from debilitating health issues.  Kristin’s earliest warning signs were horrible headaches, fatigue and brain fog throughout my 20’s.

Her mom had the same issues before one day she could not get out of bed. By understanding the disease process you can directly address the underlying cause and begin to recover.

Kristin discusses her experience with autoimmune disease.

  • When we say Autoimmune Disease, what do mean?
  • How many people are currently suffering from these diseases?
  • How did you come to write about autoimmune disease?
  • What did you discovered in your research?
  • Can people recover from autoimmune diseases?

To find out more about Kristin Urdiales and the book, Autoimmune The Cause and The Cure please visit NatureHadItFirst.com, a site designed to help people in their recovery from autoimmune disease and implement what they learn in the book.

On the site you will find a forum where you can ask questions, readers’ stories of their struggles with autoimmune issues, recipes, resources, and natural products you can use in your home to stay well – including those Kristin uses herself.

This podcast is presented by JenningsWire.com.  JenningsWire is an inspirational and amazing community of bloggers and it has been said that we have a blogger for everyone.  Enjoy the site and be sure to find your special blogger too!  Thanks, Annie (Creator of JenningsWire)

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