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Three of Me

2015 March, I was hanging out with my friend. I had purchased Blue Bell Butter Crunch and we went to her apartment.

Female Astral Projection ExperienceIt had been a minute since I had seen her so, she stopped by and scooped me up. As we sat at the table catching up on things laughing and enjoying each others company, my ears started ringing and then I couldn’t hear anything. I told her that my stomach was hurting and we were still both cracking up. I remember her asking me if I was all right? At that point I could feel myself thinking “she is going to tell you that you are going to have a seizure.”  

By then I felt and seen myself leaving my body.  I also told her that I need to lay down but, she wouldn’t let me lay down because if I had gotten up, I would have bumped my head.  Then the strangest thing happened. Mind you, this has happened twice before but, nothing like this.

I seen myself at the top of the ceiling, floating above me and my friend wearing what looked like a white gown.

It could have been a glowing light surrounding me; all I know, it was white.   I heard her thoughts. She was trying to calm herself down and the other side of her was arguing with her calm self, yet, she wasn’t talking. The “other” me was sitting in the chair, facing the chair she was sitting in but the “other” me seen us still laughing.

The third me was standing by my right shoulder. I remember telling her that I didn’t want to come down. I tried to eat what she had given me but, it was too sweet. She said, “Stacey, you are about to have a seizure.” When I was coherent or so I thought, she said, “Stacey you had a seizure.” She said I looked at her and said, “Oh no! really?! Oh My God. How is he?”

It confused her.

In my mind, I was thinking she was still talking about her ex and cracking jokes. I know she kept asking me if I was all right and what was her name? She said I was looking at her weird and laughing and told her who she was. “Yes, I know who you are. . .Sheila” I didn’t mean to scare her. She kept talking to me. . .I made it to the sofa because she helped me. I remember taking off my shoes.

She continued to talk to me until she felt that I was myself. I really don’t think that I was myself because half the things she was saying didn’t make sense. She was still asking if I was  all right? And the sweetest thing she did was continued to crack jokes. I told my male friend, originally from Delaware, now living in Pennsylvania  about the cross over and he helped me to understand different things.

Even though I understood what happened, he was intrigued by it happening to me.

He constantly texted me the whole time he was at work. He stated that we are three parts: Spirit, soul and body. We are spiritual beings. We posses a soul and that we are held here by a physical body. We are not of this world, a creature created by he who created existence~ in God’s likeness. We are a spirit that is our former body. The soul is our life…like a physical body needs blood, a spirit needs a soul.

When we die, we don’t die, we move on. He said that by telling him what happened to me, I blessed him; I freed him from the fear of death. But I will often wonder what was the reason for three of me this time.

*Taken from excerpt “Don’t Look Like What I’ve Been Through

Stacey Barlow is a contributing blogger for JenningsWire, a blogging community created by Annie Jennings.


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