Created By Annie Jennings PR, National Publicist  
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Podcast: Pick Up The Damn Phone! How People, Not Technology, Seal The Deal

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Podcast: Pick Up The Damn Phone! How People, Not Technology, Seal the DealJoanne Black is an innovative sales advisor, member of the National Speakers Association and author of NO MORE COLD CALLING™: The Breakthrough System That Will Leave Your Competition in the Dust and PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE! How People, Not Technology, Seal the Deal.

Pick Up the Damn Phone! How People, Not Technology, Seal the Deal

  • What is the premise behind your new book, Pick Up the Damn Phone!?
  • What are the new challenges/risks caused by technology for salespeople? How can sales teams overcome them?
  • How has technology changed what buyers want and expect from salespeople?
  • Why do you say “We’re smarter than our buyers?”
  • Referral selling has been around for ages, it’s pretty common sense. Why is it even more  important today than 10 years ago?

To continue to develop your sales acumen, sign up for Joanne’s monthly Back in the Black Newsletter at NoMoreColdCalling.com. You will receive your Referral I.Q. Quiz—a 14 Yes/No question survey that becomes your checklist for referral selling. Be sure to get Pick Up the Damn Phone!: How People, Not Technology, Seal the Deal at Amazon.com in paperback or Kindle, or at Barnes and Noble Nook. Contact Joanne at 415-461-8763 or joanne@nomorecoldcalling.com.

This podcast is presented by Annie Jennings, of the National Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings PR and the creator of JenningsWire online magazine. JenningsWire is capturing the heart of America with its rich community of talented, insightful and relevant bloggers and podcasters! Please visit Jenningswire.com and discover the blogger just right for you.

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