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Glenn Geffcken is the author of Shift: Indigenous Principles for Corporate Change, which takes an innovative and fresh approach on organizational culture. This complete system for culture shift was created by looking back to indigenous cultures and drawing on the wisdoms that have enabled native societies to evolve and enhance culture for thousands of years.
Indigenous Principles For Corporate Change
- How do we define culture and is it the same as “our culture”?
- What are some of the things indigenous cultures did that we are still doing today, if any?
- Why is culture in an organizational environment so important?
- How do we change or evolve culture?
- What can organizations do to begin to shift using indigenous principles?
For more information about Shift: Indigenous Principles for Corporate Change visit the Balanced Is website at – there you will find a link to the amazon store to purchase a copy.
This podcast is presented by Annie Jennings, of the National Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings PR and the creator of JenningsWire online magazine. JenningsWire is capturing the heart of America with its rich community of talented, insightful and relevant bloggers and podcasters! Please visit and discover the blogger just right for you.
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