One of the most meaningful meetings is after the game.
Whether you won or lost matters little to this gathering, because this is the moment you can evaluate and learn about what worked and your failures. Learning opportunities are your gift; and substance for any good coach. Huddle up and discover a payload of insight and get a tremendous education about your efforts.
Game over. Now is the time to see where your plan was smart and learn about your play so you can make changes for your future goals. Weigh your performance. Ask what worked what didn’t, and why every team player thinks this is so.
Is your strategy full of winning plays? Will these steps always win or could they be a misstep in another circumstance? It’s easy to feel you succeeded and don’t need to improve this skill for the future. However, future plays will likely have different opposition to prepare for. Let your success nourish your esteem, and formulate the next play wisely.
Have a plan to evaluate your failures.
Often it’s your failures that teach the most and offer you opportunity for growth. As a coach I spend a lot of time teaching clients the skill to appreciate their disappointments and use them creatively. Failures are not a judgment of who you are, they are a measure of where you are. How can you approach identifying your letdowns? Can you imagine ways in which you could learn from your catastrophes? How will you move your goal into successful realization?
I wrote, Ask Power Questions: A Practical Guide to Help You Get What You Want in Business, Life and Friendship,to help you reach success through asking powerful questions.
To sum up my ten part article series about assembling your plan with a winning team, here’s a list of power questions for you to ponder:
- Do you need to change-out players to new positions or draft new people?
- Do you have all your teams positions filled, and with the best talent?
- Do you need new cheers?
- How are you enjoying your team?
- Is everyone having fun as well as feeling satisfied by their work?
- Are you isolating yourself by doing it all alone or micromanaging? Leadership requires letting go.
- Are you trusting your team to perform for you? Why wouldn’t you? You assembled these people to serve you.
- How is the spiritual state of your team?
- What sports team best illustrates your style of success?
- What one word describes your team?
- How else can you say clearly what you want your team to accomplish?
- How do you value your wins and losses?
Sandy Nelson is a contributing blogger for JenningsWire Online Magazine. is created by National Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings PR that specializes in providing book marketing strategies to self-published and traditionally published authors. Annie Jennings PR books authors, speakers and experts on major top city radio talk shows that broadcast to the heart of the market, on local, regionally syndicated and national TV shows and on influential online media and in prestigious print magazines and newspapers.