S.T.E.P.S. Formula (continued)
In the previous blog post, I talked about my personal struggle when I was the only backseat passenger and the S.T.E.P.S. formula in overcoming adversity. I shared what the first “S” was in the S.T.E.P.S. formula, and in this article, we will take a look at the next two letters.
The “T” represents Try not to play the victim attitude.
The “poor me, why me” attitude will not get you far in life. Things happen. Life happens. Have you ever met someone who feels like everything bad happens to them? Do you like being around that person? If not, why? Most people get stuck in the wilderness and become a slave to their past and their pain and their trauma. It may seem as though our life is stuck in a cycle, and we can’t get out.
We may have tried, but it has not worked. When we become a victim to these situations in our lives we begin seeing everything through the eyes of a victim. No matter how many wonderful things happen to the victim, he or she gets and holds onto and clings to the first time somebody hurts him. That is because the person is stuck in the victim’s syndrome. Break the cycle. The victim is the way he is because he refuses to help himself. Release being a victim & take control of your destiny. Don’t fall victim to your circumstances.
Next, the “E” represents Exemplify a positive attitude.
Easier said than done, right? Sometimes it is; sometimes it’s not. We have the choice of what attitude we want to display. Which attitude do you want to have? Positive or negative? I found that when I exemplify a positive attitude, I have a better outlook and personality. I feel better about the situation and myself.
However, when I was regaining feeling back from the paralysis in my body’s right side, I found my body in constant pain. Gaining feeling back in my body’s right side was like being pricked with pins and needles; kind of like when your arm or leg falls asleep and the feeling starts coming back. It was a hard, long road, but if I was to get better, I had to embrace the journey and exemplify a positive attitude to work hard. So, that’s what I chose to do, and you know what, it worked!
In the next blog article, we’ll take a look at the “P” and last “S” in the S.T.E.P.S. formula of overcoming adversity. But until then, remember challenges are common…suffering is optional.