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Debbie Pokornik is the Chief Empowerment Officer for Empowering NRG which helps moms who struggle with a hectic home life transform their relationships so they are re-energized and fall back in love with their lives. Debbie is author of award winning parenting books and products as well as the recent bestseller Standing in Your Power; A Guide for Living Your Life Fully Awake.
How To Step Out Of Your Own Shadow
- What do you mean by standing in your power and how can it help us in the real world?
- What are some simple tips a woman can do today to help her reconnect with her inner wisdom?
- What is the number one thing women are doing to hold themselves back and make life harder than it needs to be?
- What’s the difference between the inner critic and your inner wisdom?
- Can you share a personal example of a situation where you’ve had to stand in your power to overcome something?
To find out more about how standing in your power can help you make permanent, positive change in your life, pick up Debbie’s book Standing In Your Power from Amazon and check out the many programs and resources she offers at
This podcast is presented by Annie Jennings, of the National Publicity Firm, Annie Jennings PR and the creator of JenningsWire online magazine. JenningsWire is capturing the heart of America with its rich community of talented, insightful and relevant bloggers and podcasters! Please visit and discover the blogger just right for you.
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